When you are in the market to hire a roofing contractor Palmer Roofing Company makes it easy! Our value is in our experience.
Would you gamble on an inexperienced mechanic to fix your vehicle or would you choose a trusted mechanic that has 5-star ratings and reviews that could repair your vehicle for a reasonable price?
How about a Dentist or Doctor? You would want to place your trust in the hands of someone that you knew had the knowledge and experience to deliver the best outcome.
Roofing is no different.
Experience is everything in the construction industry and maintaining a home or commercial roof is Palmer Roofing’s specialty.
Palmer Roofing’s Kennewick, Washington location has a combined 107 years of experience with four sales consultants. Our Pendleton, Oregon office has another 74 years of combined experience with 2 sales associates.
That’s not all. Our Dalles, Oregon office adds on an additional 62 years of roofing experience to Palmer Roofing Company’s portfolio.
Companywide, Palmer Roofing has a combined total of 243 years of roofing expertise that will solve even your toughest roofing situation.
Don’t gamble with your roofing investment. Give Palmer Roofing a call today and we’ll make you feel as if you just hit the jackpot.
